LG Tool Activation for SE Tool Description:
To alter LGTool module, you requirement an reactive Setool card, legal setool2 statement (you do not requirement some credits, but legal setool2 statement required), connatural internet unification ( NOT agent ), unstoppered protocol ports 443,1934.
Note: Purchase of 10 credits or more comes with admin panel.
We module not be held responsible if you wage us with the criminal SE Tool serial number, so gratify make trusty you hit written in aright before adding into your cart, because once the request has been sent, you module be charged.
Features and Supported Models:
new models:
T300, T310, T310i, T310N
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI (direct and via terminal)
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
GD580, KF750, KF755, KF755C, KF755D, KF758, KT520, KT525, KU580
- Read Full
- Read/Write GDFS
- Read NVM
- Flash code
- Unlock
C300, C300GO, C305
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI (direct and via terminal)
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write Security
- Read shitting flooded
- Factory set
GD880, GD880f, GD880g
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write Security
- Read shitting flooded
- Factory set
T320, T320e, T320g, T325, GT550, GD900, GD900e, GD900f, GD910, GD910c
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI (direct and via terminal)
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
new features:
BL20, BL20e, BL20v, BL20T, BL20GO, BL42k
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
GB250, GB250f, GB250g, GB255, GB258, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, GW520, GW525, GW525g, KC550, KC560, KF350, KF510, KF510D, KF600, KF600C, KF600D, KP270, KP275, KP500, KP501, KP502, KP505, KP550, KP570, KP570q, KS660, GC900, GC900e, GC900f, KF900, KM900, KM900e, KM900f, KM900g, GT360, GT365, GT365Go, TE365, TE365F, TE365Go, KC780, KM380, KM380c, KM380d, KM380T, KM385d, KM386c, TE360, KS360, KS360Go
- reinforced enter machine
- additional hold for Read/Write File System
new models:
KC910, KC910e, KC910i, KC910Q, KC910Qa
- Read/Write NVM
- Factory set
U990, U990C, KU990, KU990C, KU990GO, KU990i, KU990iG, KU990iGO, KU990MF, KU990R
- Read/Write NVM
- Factory set
KF350d, KC550d, KP500GO, KP500N, KP502GO, GW520GO, GW525GX
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
- cpu spotting
GS100, GS101, GS101a, GS101Go, GS102, GS105, GS105Go, GS106, GS106a, GS107, GS107a, GS107b, GS108, GS117, GS155, GS155a, GS155b
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
- cpu spotting
new features:
GB100, GB100a, GB101, GB102, GB105, GB105a, GB106, GB107, GB107a, GB108, GB109, GB110, GB115, GB125, GB125a, GB125R, GB126, GB130, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG370, KG375, KG376, KP100, KP105, KP106, KP106b, KP107, KP108, KP109, MG160, MG160a, MG161, MG161a, MG165, MG165a, MG370, MG377
- Read/Write File System
- cpu spotting
new models:
C305N, C310, GB280, CD350, GS170, A130, A133, A133GO, A133R
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
- cpu spotting
GU220, GU230, GU230GO
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Read/repair IMEI
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- feature Lock codes
- cpu spotting
new features:
BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
new models:
C100, C105
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- Lock/unlock IMEI
- read/patch Bluetooth come
- feature Lock codes
- cpu spotting
GM730, GM730e, GM730f, GM735
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write Security
- Read shitting flooded
- Factory set
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
GW820, GW825, GW825v
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write Security
- Read shitting flooded
- Factory set
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
new features:
GU220, GU230, GU230GO, GD350
- unlock
- reinforced feature codes
- read/patch Bluetooth come
A130, A133, A133GO, A133R, A133CH, C300, C300GO, C305, C305N, C310 ,GB220, GB220go, GB220N, GB230, GB280, GS170, T300, T310, T310i, T310N
- reinforced feature codes
- read/patch Bluetooth come
GD880, GD880f, GD880g
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
- reinforced winkle spotting
Infineon improvements:
- Improved unlock (yellow concealment fix) for new S-Gold3 - World first!.
- Added grapple position check/correct (by some bushel operation) for new S-Gold3/X-Gold213 models - World first!
added models:
- Read/Write NVM
- Factory set
- Unlock
- Repair IMEI
CT810, CT815, GT810, GT810h
- Read/Write Security
- Read shitting flooded
- Factory set
- Unlock
- Repair bluetooth
- Repair IMEI
KC780, GT370, GD310, GD510, GD510N, GD510GO, GD510NGO, GD550, GD551, GS290, GS290Go, GS290N, GS290NGo, GM360, GM360GO, GM360i, GS390, GS390Go, GT350, GT350GO, GT350I, GS500, GS500f, GS500g, GS500Go, GS500v, KM553, KM555, KM555e, KM555g, KM555r, KM555Go, KM570, KM570F
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- read/patch Bluetooth come
- feature Lock codes
- hair MCC/MNC spotting
- cpu spotting
- feature edition
- slightly changed individual interface
Infineon improvements:
- auto-backup before winkle full/firmware for S-Gold3
- auto-repair/update GPT for winkle full/firmware for S-Gold3
added models:
AX500BL, AX585, AX310, UX310, MT310, VX8610, VX8660 ,VX9200,CX9200, LG300, VX5500, VX8360, VX8650, VX9600 ,CX9600, VX9700, CX9700, LG600, LX400, LN510, LW510, UN510, LX610, AX265, UX265, MX265 ,VN250, VN251
- Read/Write MEID
- Repair Phone number(MDN)
- Read/Write SID/NID
- Read/Write BlueTooth come
- Read SSD_A, SSD_B
- Read/Write PRL
- Read/WriteSPC SPC
- Read User Lock Code
KS660, GX500
- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Flash code
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- Read/repair IMEI2
- read/patch Bluetooth come
- feature Lock codes
- hair MCC/MNC spotting
- cpu spotting
- feature edition
GC900, GC900E, GC900F, KM900, KM900E, KM900F, KM900G, KF600, KF600C, KF600D
- concat-firmware winkle hold
- Read/Write Digital MIN
- Read/Write AKEY
- Read/Write OTKSL
new features:
KF600, KF600C, KF600D, GB250, GB250F, GB250G, GB255, GB255G, GB258, KP270, KP275, KP275C, KP275D, KC560, KF350, KF350D, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, KF510, KF510C, KF510D, GD310, GD550, GD551, GW520, GW520GO, GW525, GW525G, GW525GX, KP500, KP500GO, KP500N, KP500SIM3, KP501, KP501GO, KP501N, KP502, KP502GO, KP505, KP550, KP570, KP570Q, T320, T320E, T320G, GD510, GD510N, GD510GO, GD510NGO, GS290, GS290GO, GS290N, GS290NGO GM360, GM360GO, GM360I, GS390, GS390GO, GS500, GS500F, GS500G, GS500GO, GS500V, KM570, KM570F, GC900, GC900E, GC900F, KM900, KM900E, KM900F, KM900G, KF900, GD900, GD900e, GD900f, T325, T325G, GT550, GT350, GT350GO, GT350I, KM553, KM555, KM555E, KM555G, KM555R, KM555GO, GD910, GD910C, KC550, KC550C, KC550D, KM380, KM380C, KM380D, KM380T, KM385D, KM386C, GT360, GT365, GT365GO, TE365, TE365F, TE365GO, TE360, KS360, KS360GO, KS365, KC780, KS660, GX500
- "yellow screen" bushel reinforced
GB220, GB220go, GB220N, GB230, GB280, A130, A133, A133GO, A133R, A133CH, GS170, C100, C105, GU220, GU230, GU230GO, GD350
- Read edition info
added models:
VM265, AS740, VS740, US740
- Read/Write MEID
- Repair Phone number(MDN)
- Read/Write SID/NID
- Read/Write BlueTooth come
- Read SSD_A, SSD_B
- Read/Write PRL
- Read/WriteSPC SPC
- Read User Lock Code
- Read/Write Digital MIN
- Read/Write AKEY
- Read/Write OTKSL
L04A, L01B
- Read/Write NVM
- Factory Reset
- Unlock
- Repair IMEI
- Read/Write NVM
- Factory Reset
- Unlock
How to alter LG tool
To alter LGTool module, you requirement an reactive Setool card, legal setool2 statement (you do not requirement some credits, but legal setool2 statement required), connatural internet unification ( NOT agent ), unstoppered protocol ports 443,1934
Below is the steps:
1) Check if your bill is activated.
2) Update your setool card.
3) Purchase LG activation
4) Put bespoken updater in setool2 directory ( it module machine feature settings from setool2.ini )
or superior it to some desired directory and fill username, password, server manually.
note: Updater module not be started without egate driver installed.
on "operations" journalism superior with pussyfoot utter reverend with setool2 card.
( remove every smartcards from pc except setool2 one in order to refrain misconception )
you module intend "Ready to work" text.
Then press "Activate LGTool" button
if your bill suitable for activation, you module intend next text:
setool2 SmartCard updater [0.92]
server read: "srv01.dontexist.com"
username read: "update_test"
Please utter on reverend with setool2 SmartCard.
Ready to work
Checking with server...
LG covering activated.
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